Foreword by Ralph Turner

Biographer and Ghostwriter
Leicester, UK

It’s that line at the end where Ben shares his writing story that says it all: Ghostwriting is no one’s Plan A. I’m not sure this profession will ever be included in the obligatory ‘what do you want to do when you leave school?’ list.

But it should be.

Ghostwriting is challenging, tiring, frustrating… and a lot of fun. If you’re reading this, you are about to embark on a short journey through the world of ghostwriting, either as a potential client-author or as an actual ghostwriter. It may be entirely new territory for you or just a helpful reminder as to what is needed. Either way, the journey is worth taking.

Ben Jeapes writes from experience. And he writes well. Of course he does. There’s a good deal of wisdom, a lot of helpful ideas, significant doses of common sense and bags of practical know-how. There’s humour too, often of the self-deprecating kind. And of the slightly quirky British kind – apologies to non-UK readers for that!

As a fellow ghostwriter, I found I was nodding – and occasionally muttering out loud – my agreement with the words I read. This book is practical and will genuinely help you in your own journey towards a published novel. You are getting a lot for your money here. And that’s the point – a short study now will save you a lot in the long term in terms of time, energy and money. But most importantly, it will help you to one day hold a book in your hands with that satisfactory glow of a job well done, a book well written, and most amazing of all, with a readership that enjoy the finished product. So there it is, that’s the end game, the finished ghostwritten book – one that perhaps started out as little more than a vague idea jotted down one day on that scrap of paper you kept looking at. Until…

Happy writing.

Ralph Turner

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